Friday, August 13, 2010

Chip's lunch: August 13, 2010

We had a really busy day yesterday, but I was able to pull off a decent dinner. We had pad thai, which is great because we always have leftovers. I spent 7 hours yesterday driving stinky greyhounds around, and then I brought home our latest foster: J Ditto's Darci. She's a teeny little thing, and pretty nervous, but is doing well overall. Once we get her some antibiotics for her UTI and skin infection, and then get her spayed and her teeth cleaned, she'll be all set.

I gave Chip a choice between 6 peanut butter and jelly rolls and a small container of applesauce, or 3 rolls and a whole apple. He told me (and this seriously surprised me) that the peanut butter and jelly rolls are his favorite thing to find in his lunchbox, so he wanted 6. His favorite thing of all...more than chocolate, cookies, cupcakes, and pizza. PB&J rolls. I learn more about this man every day.

Oh, and Chip will be in California all week, so we'll be taking a short break here.

Pad Thai with organic tofu and broccoli, organic banana, raw almonds, organic raw cashews, organic applesauce, and whole wheat rollups with natural peanut butter and jelly.


  1. Hey Katie! I do not know how you manage to foster all these dogs! My daughter and I volunteered at an animal shelter and ended up fostering a teeny, tiny puppy and it was just so much work! So kudos to you for helping all these dogs out!

  2. Love your blog, your lunches are a huge inspiration and now my kids now use bentos for their own lunches. My oldest(7) has never been so exited to take his lunch or to eat carrots! Anyway, rambling here...I've looked through the blog and can't seem to find your lentil soup recipe. Is it on here somewhere? If not, would you mind sharing it? Thanks!

  3. Hi Malinda! I'm so glad to hear your kids love their lunch boxes. I remember hating mine as a mom used leftover margarine containers for my lunch and I was mortified. I have no idea now why that was so embarrassing.

    Here's the lentil soup recipe: It's really basic and easy, and it's really adaptable. I usually add in about two cups of chopped carrots, and have on occasion added celery, red bell pepper, and zucchini.

  4. Hi Kim! We love dogs a lot, but we would never EVER do a puppy. Too much work! Greyhounds are generally very easy, and if they do have issues, they are things that we are familiar with (separation anxiety, housebreaking, etc). Greyhounds need so little exercise and are so lazy that sometimes it feel like we have overgrown cats instead of racing dogs!
