Monday, July 12, 2010

Chip's lunch: July 13, 2010

Happy birthday Chip! Chip will be 25 on the day he eats this lunch. I can't believe it! He's younger than I, and I've always felt like he was really young. Eh, someday (too soon) I'll be 30 and he'll still be 27. That will make him seem really young again to me.

Anyway, we have two more "cleaning out the fridge" lunches. Whatever fruits and veggies we weren't able to finish, we've packed up to take to my parents' house. They'll enjoy the squash, zucchini, and carrots from our CSA, and I will take advantage of the strawberries, blueberries, and chard for some breakfast smoothies.

We'll snack on this in the car, though Chip will probably need to not be driving when he eats, since he'll need utensils. I was planning on driving most of the way anyway, so he can take advantage of the movies and such on his new iPod Touch (Flight of the Conchords, Psych, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall will be entertaining us on this trip, it seems).

Whole wheat rollups with natural peanut butter and grape jelly, milk chocolate from Europe, organic raw cashews, organic crispy almonds, organic Sultana golden raisins, Kashi apple cereal bar, organic Michigan applesauce, and organic whole wheat tri-color cavatappi with pesto and marinara sauces mixed together.

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