Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chip's lunch: June 16, 2010

I know this lunch looks a bit light. I realized after I threw it together that it wasn't very substantial. I added a container of brown rice to add some more bulk to this lunch after I took this photo. It's a good thing, too: poor Chip had to stay late at work unexpectedly. It's almost 8 and he hasn't left yet! Poor guy. I got him a special treat today for tomorrow's lunch...I hope it makes him smile!

Watermelon, organic trail mix (organic fair trade milk chocolate, organic Sultana golden raisins, raw almonds, organic roasted and salted sunflower seeds), Kashi apple cereal bar, homemade banana bread, and local organic steamed green beans.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I just wanted to say thank you for posting the lunches - this is my favorite blog to see pop up in my reader with a new post! I have been on a mission to not only eat smaller portions, but to eat better quality foods as well. All of the ideas I'm getting from these lunches has been hugely helpful! So thanks a million.

